How to apply

Selection process

Applying online

Your first step is filling in our online application form. This asks for details of academic grades, work experience and extra-curricular activities. You will also answer five questions to demonstrate your career motivation and that you possess the skills to be a successful solicitor.

Top tips

  • think about why you are choosing to apply;
  • consider what appeals to you about becoming a commercial solicitor compared to other legal career options;
  • sign up to one of our events to meet and find out more about us;
  • as you complete the form, you might be tempted to answer the questions using an AI response-generator such as ChatGPT. Although these kinds of answers can sound impressive, we use an online tool which will show us if you’ve had help. We want you to do your own research and formulate answers you’ve thought about yourself. Stay away from AI – we want to know you, not a computer;
  • check your answers carefully, then submit; and
  • good luck!

Video interview

If your online application is successful, we will invite you to a video interview.  As part of this, we’ll ask you to record your answers to three questions on an online platform.

You will have the opportunity to practise answering questions before you commence your interview.

When the interview starts, the three questions will appear on the screen one at a time. You will have 30 seconds to prepare your answer before recording starts. You then have 90 to 120 seconds to record your answer. Once this time elapses you will not be able to re-record.

Top tips

  • practise on a mobile phone using some common interview questions;
  • when reading the question and preparing your answer, think about how you can give evidence of the skills and knowledge that are relevant to both the role and the firm; and
  • make sure that you answer all parts of each question.

Assessment centre

If you are successful at the video interview stage, we will invite you to attend an online assessment centre. This runs via the Topscore platform and covers a full working day. It will focus on a client scenario with the day designed to measure your analytical and problem-solving abilities, as well as your written, organisational and communication skills.

You will be part of a small group of no more than eight candidates. Before exercises start, we give you the chance to meet your fellow candidates in a virtual room. Everyone then takes part in two group exercises and drafting and proof-reading exercises.

Throughout the day, members of our Early Careers team will assess how you’re doing.

At the end of the day, you’ll be able to talk with our current trainees and ask questions about their experience at the firm.

Top tips

  • take part in a mock assessment centre through your university or law school careers service;
  • do some research on how to lay out correspondence in a professional way; and
  • take opportunities to work on team-based projects to help prepare for our group exercises.

In-person interview

If you reach the final stage of our selection process, we’ll invite you to come to our London office for an interview with a partner and a member of our Early Careers team. This will last up to an hour and include questions to find out more about your skills and motivation to succeed at WFW. Once again, you will have the chance to ask us any questions you may still have.

Top tips

  • book a mock interview at your university or through your law school careers service to practise answering interview questions;
  • re-read your application form and think about what our interviewers may ask you; and
  • research our firm in depth and have a think about why we are right for you.


If your interview goes well, we will get in touch to offer you a training contract. You will have a few weeks to make your decision, with our team always available for any final questions. Once you accept our offer, we’ll keep in touch until you start your training contract.

We are committed to ensuring that our recruitment processes are fully inclusive and as barrier-free as possible. This includes making adjustments for candidates with disabilities or long-term health conditions. If you wish to discuss adjustments or issues at any stage of the recruitment process, please contact our Early Careers team who will be happy to help.

Some adjustments we have made in the past include (but are not limited to) providing extra time for reading and writing, different interview formats, extra time at interviews, and additional guidance and support, where appropriate, at each stage.

In focus

Watch George and his colleagues talk about the firm’s ongoing support and development.

Training and support

Visit our YouTube channel to view all our Early Careers videos (opens in new tab)

Our stories